Stay Off My Operating Table®

I've performed over 3,000 heart surgeries.

I put everything I know in to my book to help you reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Zuby listeners: Get my audiobook free and reclaim your health today.

-Dr. Philip Ovadia

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The first step to mastering your body is mastering your mindset.

-Strong Advice | Zuby's Guide To Fitness for Everybody

Your mindset is killing you ☠️

88% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy.

Heart disease is the #1 killer of Americans. 😱

But Western medicine focuses on treatment, not prevention. That's where the 💰 is!

The medical system sells you a mindset of treatment and outsourcing your health care to people who make more money when you are sick than when you are healthy.

⚡️ You need to change that mindset NOW. ⚡️

Apply the 7 Principles of Metabolic Health I teach in my book and you'll reduce your risk of a heart attack.

And if you are obese (like I was)- you'll start heading back to a healthy weight.

My Story

Back in 2014 I was 100 pounds overweight, low energy, and miserable.

In my profession I was a complete success. 💪

In my health I was a complete failure. 😭

I had to ditch what I was taught in medical school to lose the 100 extra pounds, get strong, and reclaim my health.

In my audiobook I'll give you my 7 Principles of Metabolic Health that can help anyone feel better and live longer.

And because you listen to Zuby I'm giving you my audiobook for free. 😍

Motivation gets you started.

Habit keeps you going.

-Strong Advice | Zuby's Guide To Fitness for Everybody

You never want to see me in scrubs.

A heart surgeon in scrubs means someone might be about to die.

Someone is so close to death that me and my surgical team will cut open your chest and do our best to repair the damage to your heart.

The damage you caused.

Through your bad habits.

My book helps you build better habits.

Better habits will make sure you never see me in scrubs holding a scalpel.

Good health = good metabolic health

We took zero classes on nutrition in medical school.

We spent more time learning about managing diseases like diabetes than on preventing them or healing them through lifestyle choices.

I now know that the foundation of good health is good metabolic health.

My book will arm you with not just better habits but also the right questions to ask your doctor about how they can help monitor and improve your metabolic health.

Listen to my audiobook free today and get on the path to true health.
