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About Dr. Ovadia

Back in 2014 I was 100 pounds overweight, low energy, and miserable.

In my profession I was a complete success.

In my health I was a complete failure.

Down 27 pounds & off all my meds

"When I began this Carnivore Diet on May 15th, 2023 I weighed in at 221 and on several Blood Pressure Meds and Cholesterol Lowering drugs.
Below are three photos of me one in April 2022 weighing in at around 220. Then July 17th, weighing in at 202 (two months after starting Carnivore) and today, Sept 19th weighed in at 194 and waist at 37. 
Off all meds since June 12th except Nexium and Low Dose Aspirin.
I've also attached the responses from my local Cardiologist and how he felt about my Carnivore Diet. He didn't mention anything about my losing weight nor the blood pressure readings off meds."


Retired Military

The best I've ever read!

Stay Off My Operating Table® is a very well-written and easy to understand book that clearly explains what metabolic health is, along with presenting the keys to improving your overall health and preventing some of the major diseases like heart diseases that plague so many people. But perhaps what I like best is that the author Dr. Philip Ovadia is a practicing heart surgeon doing life-saving surgeries in major hospitals. He has seen firsthand the devastating results of poor metabolic health, and has developed a clear system for how you can improve it. That's a high level of credibility in my book.

In addition, Dr. Ovadia's writing style is very accessible and very relatable, and he lists references that back up his recommendations. I like that he comes across as a very knowledgeable yet humble and overall good guy. Yes, you have to eat right and exercise, but the program he outlines is very flexible and adaptable, and can fit many different types of lifestyle and dietary preferences, from carnivore to vegan.

I have read many books on health including heart health, and I have to say that this one is the best I've ever read.
I highly recommend it.

Thank you Dr. Ovadia

Chris from NY

Common sense (ain't so common!)... explained exquisitely!

I came to Dr Ovadia's book with some knowledge, having read Taubes, Teicholz, Bikman, Berry, Westman, etc. His personal story is of significant interest, as I have family members in a similar boat. His before/after picture (Twitter) is especially compelling.

In this book, he walks the line beautifully between explaining how the human body works without so much biochem that you need an advanced degree to comprehend. He provides open and honest tactical guidance - because he has walked in these shoes.

His experience on both sides (doctor and patient) affords him a unique perspective. He presents what he has learned from both roles...which admittedly, could feel overwhelming and hopeless from anyone else.... into straightforward, inspiring and, importantly, feasible steps for ANYONE, no matter their current level of metabolic health.

In fact, my 78 year old Dad, who is in severe metabollic distress and understands very little about why, found the book so easy to read (aka digestible..pun intended) and compelling that he took it home with him. With any luck, it may just be the start of a new journey!

Great book to begin learning, and I am very grateful for Dr Ovadia, his story, and his continued work!


Take Control of Your Health Before It's Too Late

As we have followed government health guidelines, and eat more and more processed foods, our health and quality of life has plummeted. It's not rocket science, yet so many people let their health take a backseat until it's too late.

Dr. Ovadia distills the science and data into what could be the most important health book you can read. You can take control of your health.

Stop acting like you don't have time to make it a priority. People waste hours on television, and take better care of their homes or cars, but ignore their bodies? Never has the health of people, especially in America, been worse.

This should be a wake-up call that we are doing many things wrong, but we can changes right now. This short book is an investment you cannot afford to not make.


Our latest articles

Despite the growing popularity of plant-based diets, we are seeing rising rates of obesity, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders. Many plant-based alternatives, including fake cheeses, meats, and milks, are highly processed and nutrient-poor, contributing to poor metabolic health. This article explores the hidden dangers of plant-based foods, their impact on waistlines, nutrient deficiencies, and the environment. Learn how to make better food choices to protect your metabolic health and the planet by focusing on whole, real foods rather than processed alternatives.

You need to be careful of plant-based diets

Autoimmune disorders affect 10% of the global population, with diagnoses increasing by 19.1% annually. These conditions often share common symptoms such as joint pain, skin issues, and digestive problems, all linked to inflammation and poor metabolic health. Studies suggest that improving metabolic health through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes can help manage or reverse many autoimmune conditions.

What all autoimmune diseases have in common (and how to stop it from happening)

Many believe Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is incurable, but it’s entirely possible to reverse the diagnosis through simple, effective lifestyle changes. The truth is, NAFLD often stems from poor metabolic health fueled by processed foods, sugar, and misconceptions about exercise. By embracing whole foods, cutting sugar, and focusing on resistance training, you can take control of your health and reclaim your life.

Your Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease isn’t a Death Sentence