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Poor health has become normalized in the United States.

We now consider it the natural order to feel tired, take prescribed medication, and gain weight as we age. When we feel sick, we either shrug it off or visit the doctor for suggestions. And it’s all too likely their ‘suggestions’ are to eat more cereal and reduce your fat intake.

But this isn’t normal for countries outside the US. It’s also not normal that almost half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease. The contrast here is palpable — while other countries grow in size and have markedly longer lifespans, a whopping one in four Americans are burdened by multiple chronic diseases.

This is a giant red flag that the modern way of living is harmful to us.

And this needs to be a warning for employers, too. 

Why should companies care about workplace health?

Promoting workplace health should be high up on the priority list for any business interested in protecting their employees. It doesn’t take a scientist to see our collective metabolic health is failing, so taking steps to provide educational resources could genuinely make a difference.

That’s why it falls upon you as an employer to pursue targeted, scientifically sound metabolic health coaching.

A company that focuses on workplace health (and actively encourages its staff to be healthy) can reap the rewards of good health in spades. These typically include:

  • Increased productivity
  • Fewer sick days
  • Lower costs for medication, medical care, and insurance

Even the most callous boss, focused only on the revenue and with no regard for sentiment towards staff, should prioritize workplace health because of the positive impact it has on the company’s bottom line. An effective workplace health program can slash an enormous amount of money — up to 25% each — from absenteeism, healthcare costs, disability management, and workers’ compensation claims.

Fortunately, most bosses do care about the lives of their employees, and the desire to keep them healthy extends beyond just saving money.

If that’s you, I want to commend you for your mindful, compassionate attitude. I also want to extend a hand in providing the support you need.

Promoting heart health in businesses

It’s true an effective workplace health program could save you thousands in healthcare costs. However, not all programs are built alike — and some are more efficient than others.

To their credit, many companies try to promote healthy behaviors by providing more options to their teams. But there’s so much more to metabolic health than putting so-called “healthy” snacks in the vending machine.

Healthier food choices and exercise are both essential to metabolic health. However, using them in isolation is like buying a set of tires and expecting to build a car – you still need the engine and the body to get on the road. 

I’m a firm believer that achieving true metabolic health starts with education. I also think employers need to support their team as they move towards stronger, more sustainable health.

As a business, you can’t tell your employees how to live outside of the office. However, you can inform them about metabolic health – what it is, why it’s important, and how to achieve it – so that they can voluntarily make better choices at home as well as at work.

And this is what I teach in my metabolic health coaching for businesses.

Metabolic health coaching with Dr. Philip Ovadia

The truth is, many chronic diseases are often preventable.

It seems like a radical idea that our health can be in our own hands, that we can have so much control over our wellbeing and avoiding illnesses. Yet that is precisely the truth: by learning how our bodies function, how certain foods and behaviors affect our biochemistry, and the effect of different exercises on our vitality, we can make health-enhancing decisions day after day.

That’s what my business metabolic health coaching program is all asbout.

Over a series of sessions, you and your employees will learn how to Stay Off My Operating Table.

Together, you can take control over your health. You can enjoy higher productivity, more energy, and stable weight. Many people improve so much that they don’t need medication anymore. And as we reduce the inflammation in your body, those familiar aches and pains fade into a distant memory.

This group coaching program has generated incredible results for businesses across the country. With a more productive, focused, vibrant team, you can become an even bigger threat to your competitors.

It bears reminding that just five chronic disease factors cost American businesses more than $36 billion in 2022. You don’t deserve to be a part of that statistic — and I want to help you and your employees stay healthy. 

Find out more about my group coaching program for employers today.
