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So you’re interested in metabolic health and can see the benefits of making a change, but you’re not necessarily sure where to begin your journey.

You’re certainly not alone. Millions of Americans feel the same way you do, with many struggling to find underlying reasons for their unexplained weight gain, cardiovascular diagnoses, or recent hospitalization.

Today, a single Google search for ‘metabolic health‘ yields millions of results, with different definitions, explanations, and suggestions. Not only can this be overwhelming, but the sheer volume of contradictions posed by separate authors is confusing.

If you’re ready to learn more about metabolic health, you must take a two-step approach to get the results you need: researching for general awareness, then seeking certified coaching.

Understanding metabolic health

Metabolic health is poorly understood, although its impact on human health and wellness reaches into every corner of our lives.

The most basic definition of metabolic health is the creation and management of energy. Working optimally, this means all biochemical processes in your body are efficiently extracting nutrients from food and converting them into energy. 

If your metabolic health becomes disrupted, you may experience chronic health problems that include type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even a risk for strokes. A full 88% of Americans fall into this category. 

Your metabolic health may be thrown out of line by dozens of different factors, including:

  • Genetics
  • Chronic stress
  • Environmental toxins
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Nutritional deficiencies

Achieving metabolic health isn’t about finding a temporary fix. It requires consistent lifestyle choices that improve your overall health and well-being, including those guided by the help of specialists.

Researching metabolic health on your own is an excellent place to begin your health journey. However, the most efficient heart health training requires you to dig deeper, namely with the help of metabolic coaching.

Why heart health training and education starts with coaching

When you’re ready to improve your metabolic health, planning and direction will be critical to future success. This is where certified coaches can help.

Metabolic coaches specialize in the five factors surrounding metabolic health. The best ones work to develop personalized programs that include workout and nutrition recommendations based on your unique situation, along with regular meetings that provide guidance, counselling, and evaluation.

Additionally, certified coaches have the knowledge and experience necessary to troubleshoot solutions when current approaches fail to improve your health. They work in or near an industry related to metabolic health, and have spent years refining their approach to whole-body wellness.

Since metabolic health coaching can be accomplished virtually, it’s an efficient and convenient solution for those who are unable to travel or don’t have the time to visit a coach in-person.

Working with a metabolic health coach provides the support, direction, and accountability many Americans need to navigate the challenges of a metabolic reset. Improvements in metabolic health can occur very quickly, and if you commit to the process, you can expect to enjoy the benefits of being metabolically healthy over the long term.

Cardiovascular training from a metabolic health coach

If you choose to work alongside an accredited metabolic health coach, you may have access to a number of training opportunities.

These may include:

Regardless of your age, circumstances, or personal goals, coaching is the most efficient way to learn about metabolic health. However, that’s not to say just anyone has the credentials to help reach your goals.

Truthfully, the most successful coaches have experienced their own share of metabolic change. They also share similar success factors that set them apart from traditional medical professionals, including their experience in the field.

Finding an accredited metabolic health coach

Not everybody can be a metabolic health coach. Like many health-oriented fields, proper certification and experience is necessary to get the best possible outcomes.

As you look for an accredited metabolic health coach in your area, you may want to check for:

  • A history of success. How many patients has the coach worked with, and how satisfied were these patients?
  • Personal experience. The best metabolic coaches don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk as well. Do they have a metabolic journey of their own to share?
  • Medical affiliations. Be sure the metabolic coach in question has a history in the medical field. Remember: there is a difference between health coaching and metabolic health coaching, the latter of which requires a good deal of medical education.

Online research equips you to make better decisions regarding metabolic coaches in your area. However, speaking with a coach one-on-one lets you ask questions, get clarification, and evaluate your fit long before signing a dotted line.

If you want to find out more about metabolic health coaching, or if you’re interested in working with a coach to optimize your health, feel free to schedule a 15-minute complimentary call with me at any time.
