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"Cardio Sucks for Weight Loss" - Dr. Philip Ovadia

In this episode, Martin Silva was joined by Dr. Philip Ovadia, the founder of Ovadia Heart Health and board-certified cardiac surgeon. Dr. Ovadia's goal is to help people maintain their metabolic health and prevent people from needing heart surgery.

Martin and Phil talked about topics such as the journey of becoming a heart surgeon, the importance of paying attention to the food we eat, the five indicators of a healthy metabolism, the three main pillars of metabolic wellness, Phil’s non-negotiable habits, and much more.

“I believe the only way we get ourselves out of this mess is that the doctors and the patients start coming together and say, we need to make ourselves healthier, to relieve the burden from the system. And there are more and more people waking up to this. The communities are growing, the conversations are making it onto bigger platforms. And I am hopeful that we are going to turn this ship around.” – Dr. Philip Ovadia
