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Maria Emmerich

At 16, she was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and was told she would never be able to have children. To manage her symptoms, the doctors prescribed a bunch of drugs, but offered no hope of ever reversing her disease. In the ensuing years, she also developed IBS and put on more and more weight. Maria Emmerich was on a slow train to oblivion and a miserable end. Then... she turned it all around. She lost 80 pounds of fat. She reversed her PCOS, reversed her IBS and regained the health she lost to disease and iatrogenesis. She started writing Keto cookbooks in the early 00's, long before the worl learned about the Keto lifestyle. With over 20 published books published and more coming soon, Maria has helped millions of people around the world lose weight and regain health. This is her story. For the past 26 years, Maria's life is proof that keto is a sustainable lifestyle. Even her children practice a carnivore diet. Her attitude toward transformation serves as a powerful reminder that - though things won't always be easy - transformation is possible.
