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5-Episode Series with Powerhouse Carnivore Lineup Explores the Power of All-Meat Diet to Reverse Metabolic Disease

This 5-part Reverse(D) docuseries follows a group of people diagnosed with metabolic disease, along with carnivore diet thought-leaders as they explore the power of an all-meat diet to reverse chronic metabolic disease. 

Produced and directed by Charles Mattocks, the series stars Dr. Philip Ovadia and many other names fans of the carnivore diet will recognize, including Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Robert Kiltz, Maria Emmerich, Bronson Dant, Kelly Hogan, Dr. Tony Hampton, Dr. Sarah Zaldivar, Dr. Donald Vega, and more.

 Reverse(D) offers a balanced and evidence-based perspective and addresses common misconceptions that surround this way of eating. With engaging storytelling, informative content, and a mission to empower individuals to take control of their health, this series is a must-watch for all.

The Reverse(D) series official trailer and all five episodes are embedded below.
