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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

What happens when you go against the consensus and challenge commonly held beliefs in your industry? In this conversation with Joshua Lisec, one of the world's most prolific and accomplished ghostwriters, we examine the power of being "so good they call you fake." From metabolic health to cultivating organic haters for your brand, we explore how breaking barriers and going against the grain can lead to extraordinary results. In this deep dive into ghostwriting, Joshua shares the unique insights he's gained working with experts across various industries. We discuss techniques he uses to produce spectacular outcomes, like Phil's own book. We also touch on the importance of designing systems that help experts become authors and authorities in their fields. This episode uncovers the power of challenging beliefs, going against the consensus, and being unapologetically outstanding in your field. Discover how Joshua Lisec’s ghostwriting journey has shaped his perspective on the world and how he helps to break down barriers for his clients, one book at a time.

Quick Guide: 

  • 01:04 Introduction
  • 06:30 Achieving Success by Going Against Consensus
  • 17:49 A long-form self-hypnosis scrip
  • 22:02 Joshua's ghostwriting journey
  • 39:23 Belief Systems and Concrete Outcomes
  • 43:07 The many versions of the truth
  • 48:59 Ghostwriting and Navigating Information Environment

Get to know our guest:

Joshua Lisec, the ghostwriter of Stay Off My Operating Table®, has been in this career for more than 10 years. He uses his knowledge to help field experts in becoming recognized as the authority in their fields.

"And so, what must first be destroyed Is the assumption, the misconception, the myth, that institutions overseeing healthcare Medicine, have the best interest of the individual in mind. And I like to say that that's changed. And the way that I say that is it used to be, first do no harm. Now it's first do get paid. And that system of incentives, people don't quite realize it, the consumer doesn't realize yet. So, what your book does, Phil, "Stay Off My Operating Table," starts with beliefs that need to be replaced." - Joshua Lisec

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Book: So Good They'll Call You Fake:

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Twitter: @iFixHearts 


Metabolic Health Quiz:
