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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Ever wonder why some women seem to handle the challenges of menopause and aging with grace, while others struggle with symptoms that often go untreated? Dr. Kyrin Dunston herself struggled with that. As a traditionally trained OBGYN, she transitioned to alternative medicine to conquer her personal health crisis. She then dared to question the approach to women's health, especially as it relates to hormonal imbalances and midlife metabolic mayhem. Dr. Kyrin discussed how symptoms like weight gain, memory problems, and autoimmune disorders are frequently misunderstood, midlife metabolic chaos is caused by hormonal imbalances, and the dire effects of not replacing hormones. She wants women to understand these effects and how hormone replacement therapy can change one’s quality of life. This proves that patient care can go beyond merely controlling symptoms. Dr. Kyrin Dunston, as an advocate of women's health, does exactly that.

Quick Guide: 

0:35 Exploring Alternative Approaches to Women's Health

11:42 Midlife Metabolic Mayhem and Hormonal Imbalance

28:05 Menopause, Hormonal Replacement, and Metabolic Health

35:36 Hormonal Poverty

44:19 Testing, Investing, and Your Health

55:41 Challenges in Hormonal Healthcare

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