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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Ever battled with weight and health issues and wondered if there's a way out? From struggling with weight and health problems to adopting a zero-carb, carnivore lifestyle, Kelly Hogan's candid and relatable narrative traverses struggles, an empathetic doctor's intervention, and her discovery of the power of nutritional understanding. She generously shares her journey behind the scenes of her blog, My Zero Carb Life, addressing common queries from her coaching clients and presenting an honest account of breaking food addiction cycles, managing children's sweet cravings, and improving cholesterol levels.

And then there’s the topic of hope - that beacon of light guiding us through our darkest struggles. Kelly underscores the immense role of hope and the significant influence doctors can have on health journeys. Her story is not just a testament to the power of persistence but a stirring endorsement of the positive effects of a low-carb lifestyle.

Quick Guide: 

00:58 Introduction

09:32 The Lifestyle and Diet that Changed Her Life

15:16 How Friends and Family Coped with Changes

20:56 To Stop Eating What The Body Doesn't Want

36:12 Starting the Carnivore Lifestyle

42:12 Sweets and Breaking Cycles

50:55 Finding Hope in the Carnivore World

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Twitter: @iFixHearts 


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