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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Imagine this: your parents - the pillars of your life - are locked in a battle of metabolic illnesses and you are helpless.

This is the stark reality that our guest, Olivia Khwaja, faced which led her to pivot from a corporate career to a journey of exploration into the world of nutrition. This powerful encounter with metabolic disorders fueled Olivia's mission to revolutionize the understanding of nutrition and its profound impact on metabolic health.

Olivia's journey led her not just through the complexities of food addiction but also how to combat this with healthier eating habits. With a unique approach, an online coaching program in the UK has embraced a low-carb diet to manage Type 2 diabetes, challenging public health systems and pushing for a grassroots change. As we walk through this conversation, expect to be enlightened about the ongoing efforts to recognize food addiction as a real addiction and the importance of steering children away from processed foods.

Marketing gurus often talk about triggering behavior change to foster customer loyalty, but how does this play out in a landscape where budget constraints are a reality? Olivia helps us unpack this, drawing from the UK's experience of rolling out smart meters. Be prepared to debunk myths around the diet-health connection and understand the role of influencer culture in shaping eating habits. This conversation isn't just about the role of nutrition in health, but how we can all take simple steps towards healthier living while challenging the status quo.

Chances are, you wouldn't be listening to this podcast if you didn't need to change your life and get healthier. So take action right now. Book a call with Dr. Ovadia's team. One small step in the right direction is all it takes to get started. 

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Twitter: @iFixHearts 


Metabolic Health Quiz:
