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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Can you imagine a life where every celebration, every comfort, and every meal is dominated by a substance that's silently damaging your health? That's how Florence Christophers put it as she shared her personal story of sugar addiction, from her first realization of the harmful impact sugar was having on her health, to her discovery of the Sugar Blues book, and finally, her road to overcoming her addiction.

Research reveals that sugar's addictive qualities function in our brains similarly to other substances of abuse. Florence neatly categorizes sugar consumers into three groups - users, abusers, and addicts. For those in the spectrum, she discussed the power of whole foods in satisfying cravings and restoring metabolic and mental health, zeroing into the necessity to abstain from sugar and processed carbs. She also emphasized the importance of seeking support, the significance of self-care, and the power that lies in connecting with others. Just like how the Sugar Blues book changed her outlook on sugar, Florence's advocacy aims to help others understand sugar's role and encourage healthier lifestyle choices that can surely transform lives.

Florence is the founder of the The Kick Sugar Summit, the world's first summit on the topic of sugar, sugar addiction and sugar addiction recovery.  She founded the Summit in 2015 to help others discover the physical, mental and emotional benefits of reducing or eliminating their consumption of sugar and to raise awareness about the reality of sugar addiction and paths to recovery. Dr. Philip Ovadia was one of the 60 expert speakers to present at this year's summit.

More information about The Kick Sugar Summit can be found here.

Quick Guide

0:00 Understanding Sugar Addiction and Its Implications

11:05 The Users, Abusers, and Addicts

17:54 Testing and Dealing With Sugar Addiction

26:59 The Massive Implication of Sugar

37:37 Recovering From Sugar Addiction

43:26 Reconnecting as a Pathway to Recovery

50:23 Trauma is not an Event

Get to know our guest:

Florence Christophers used to be a sugar addict. She now works as a certified health coach with expertise in sugar addiction recovery and is the founder of the Kick Sugar Summit. “This is a substance, refined carbohydrates, sugar in particular, that shows up in 70, 80 percent of the foods in our grocery stores. This is a substance that we feed children. This is a substance we use to celebrate with each other. This is a substance that we use to comfort ourselves. And this is a substance that has been directly and indirectly linked to every known chronic modern disease. All of them, probably the most inflammatory substance that we could possibly put in our bodies, and most of us are eating it every day, if not at every meal.” - Florence Christophers

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References: Sugar Blues -

Hacking of the American Mind -

Metabolical -

Nature Wants Us to Be Fat - -

Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 


Metabolic Health Quiz:
