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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Ever wondered why they say eyes are the windows to the soul? Well, we learned a new way to understand that old cliche during our chat with Dr Kerry Gelb. Dr. Gelb is an optometrist who has been inspecting these windows since 1984. His wealth of knowledge and his passion for preventative health shines through as he explains how our eyes can reveal more about our overall health than we ever imagined.

Gelb says that inflammation is a major culprit in many eye diseases, and he's got advice on how to fight it off. And if you thought nutrition was only about maintaining a healthy weight, Dr Gelb's insights on preventing macular degeneration through dietary changes is a wake-up call.

From wild salmon and organic fruits to hydration and exercise, there's a lot we can do to keep our eyes - and bodies - healthy. He describes the role of specific nutrients in preventing eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts. 

Connect with Dr. Kerry Gelb:

Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 


Metabolic Health Quiz:
