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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

In this episode, Mollie Eastman, a renowned expert in 'sleep optimization', delves into the intricacies of improving sleep quality and its impact on overall health. Eastman shares her personal struggle with sleep-related issues and how it pushed her to explore the field of sleep science. She talks about the importance of maintaining a strong circadian rhythm, understanding the concept of 'zeitgebers' or 'time-givers' and the use of wearable trackers in monitoring sleep patterns. Also, Mollie discusses the effects of variables like light, temperature, and food on sleep and gives specific suggestions to manage them effectively. She further emphasizes the need for regularity in sleep schedules, considering one's environment, and addresses the challenges faced by shift workers. The conversation also covers the links between sleep, emotional regulation, and metabolic health, particularly insulin resistance and glucose levels.

Connect with Mollie Eastman Website:

Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 


Metabolic Health Quiz:
