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Stay Off My Operating Table Podcast® with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Ever been puzzled at the sight of a distance runner struggling with weight issues? Doug Reynolds, a former runner turned metabolic health expert, shares his personal tale of weight gain in his late 40s, and the transformative journey he embarked on as a result of a low-carb diet. His dedication to raising awareness of the benefits of a low-carb lifestyle gave birth to Low Carb USA. His goal was to let more people learn and understand low carb, so armed with his skill of conducting conferences, he put up the first Low Carb USA conference. From a crowd of 350 people, they now continue to gather thousands and provide an opportunity to learn from experts, share experiences, and become a part of an ever-growing community devoted to metabolic health. Even with a critical piece of information that could revolutionize the health of millions, challenge and resistance persist, yet they continue to push for greater recognition and understanding of metabolic health, even establishing a professional organization, the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners. The message is clear - when it comes to advocating for metabolic health, it's a team effort, and every voice, every effort counts. And with the right guidance and support, the transition to a low-carb diet can be a game-changer.

Get to know our guest:

Doug Reynolds is a pioneer of the low-carb continue. As the founder of LowCarbUSA, his work has helped millions of people achieve better health and well-being. "Because of this resistance from the majority of practitioners, what people need is support and a place to be to feel like they're safe. And after a while, I started to become aware of the fact that it was even more important for the practitioners to have something like that. So, for the doctors and the dieticians and other people in this medical space that are trying to do this, they are in the wilderness. [...] They just find it very lonely to practice like that. So now if we find a place to bring everybody together where no one is judging them and everyone is actually totally on board with what they're trying to do with their patients that's something that they really needed."

Connect with him:
Low Carb USA:
Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners:

Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 


Metabolic Health Quiz:
