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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Ever wonder why carbohydrates have been dubbed the 'non-essential' macronutrient? Or why consuming ample protein is touted as crucial for peak performance?

This episode, featuring bodybuilder Mark Lobliner, creator of the Outright Bar, provides insights into the science and strategy of eating for optimal performance. We dissect dietary approaches, the importance of palatability in snack bar design and how supplements play their part in a holistic diet.

Carbohydrates: the great debate. How vital are they for your training regime? We dissect their purpose, the power of fiber, and how they can enhance your workout. What about regular blood work? What about the use of insulin mimetics for peak performance?

Taking it a step further, we delve into the issues of body fat and the implications of a primarily overweight population. We grapple with ways to measure and monitor body fat and the difference between visceral and subcutaneous fat. As we transition into exploring protein, we examine sources, considerations, and the role of fast and slow proteins, BCAA supplementation, the implications of a vegan diet, and how digestive enzymes can affect the shelf life and taste of protein powder.

Finally, we talk about why individuals with specific dietary needs might require them. Join us as we navigate the intricate labyrinth of peak performance nutrition. Prepare yourself for a nutrient-rich journey that could redefine the way you fuel your body.

Chances are, you wouldn't be listening to this podcast if you didn't need to change your life and get healthier. So take action right now. Book a call with Dr. Ovadia's team. 

Follow Dr. Ovadia:

Twitter: @iFixHearts 

