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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Dr. Eric Berg is a well-respected pioneer in keto / low-carb circles. He's been there almost from the beginning. So, rather than just cover old ground, we venture into the controversies and pushback from those industries that are threatened by the metabolic health movement. As it turns out, it seems the rise of keto threatens the economic biases and informational control exerted by powerful food companies.

Who knew?

In our conversation, we venture into the heart of the global dietary debate, where the tension between corporate interests and individual health is palpable. Dr. Berg breaks down the complexities of the battle. On one side, the protein-centric ketogenic diet. On the other, the corporate-backed dietary guidelines that favor grains and sugars. The implications are vast. We touch on public health, the medical establishment, and of course, Big Pharma.

Finally, our conversation looks to the future of health and nutrition, with Metabolomics and personalized medicine taking center stage. Dr. Berg advances the revolutionary idea that healthcare should enhance our natural vitality, not merely manage disease.

Connect with Dr. Eric Berg


Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 


Metabolic Health Quiz: quiz
