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Cardiac Surgeon Philip Ovadia: "The best way we can take care of our heart is to reduce our consumption of sugar and processed foods”

Dr. Phil Ovadia, a noted cardiothoracic surgeon, was recently featured in a news segment that was aired on both Fox News and ABC News in Illinois as part of the National Heart Health Month awareness campaign.

The segment called attention to the fact that heart disease is the number one cause of death in Americans. Dr. Philip Ovadia told journalist Marlena Lang that the primary driver of heart disease is the diet many of us have.

“When we look at what is causing this epidemic of heart disease, the primary driver is the food that we eat,” said Dr. Ovadia. “My perspective is that the best way we can take care of our heart is to reduce our consumption of sugar and processed foods in general.”

Dr. Ovadia recommends starting slowly to cut your sugar intake. He states that a good place to start is cutting out sugary drinks such as soda and fruit juices with lots of added sugar. Also, adding whole and real foods to your diet can be a great way to take care of your heart health, and even celebrate Valentine’s Day.
