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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Dr. Robert Pearl is the visionary former CEO of Kaiser-Permanente Medical Group and a passionate advocate of putting the "health" back into modern American healthcare.

In a candid conversation, Dr. Pearl dissects the fragmented, fee-for-service model that keeps healthcare stuck in the 19th century. He helps unravel the cultural complexities within medicine that not only impede physician satisfaction but also jeopardize patient safety.

Dr. Pearl believes technology will be the linchpin of personalized healthcare. He explains how advancements in AI herald a paradigm shift in modern healthcare. According to him, AI could use personal health data to tailor patient care like never before.

He's acutely aware that without addressing the current healthcare system's inefficiencies, these innovations may not reach their full potential. 

He proposes systemic reforms that could marry technology with healthcare, bringing about a quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare system that we've long aspired to achieve. Dr. Pearl asks provocative questions about the economic motivations behind our current healthcare model even as he casts a vision for more sustainable practices like capitation. What will happen as titans like Amazon step into the healthcare arena? We wrap the conversation with a look ahead, not just at the obstacles, but at the transformative solutions poised to reshape our healthcare landscape. 

Connect with Dr. Robert Pearl


Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 

Instagram: @iFixHearts


Metabolic Health Quiz: quiz
