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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Imagine a world where the food on your table not only nourishes your family but also heals the earth. That's what Sander van Stee is working towards every single day. 

Van Stee's knowledge of the relationship between soil health, animal welfare, and our food system is both deep and broad. One example: he finally helped us understand why grass-finished beef offers superior nutrition over less-expensive grain-finished beef.

From soil microbes to diversified crop planting, van Stee explains both how and why the popular narrative around cattle farming is dead wrong. He's leading an agricultural revolution that prioritizes planetary health without sacrificing productivity.

This episode is an eye-opener for anyone skeptical about the scalability of regenerative methods. Another example: regenerative farming has the power to revitalize even the most degraded lands. 

His story is a call to action for consumers to use their purchasing power to support sustainable farming practices. 

Regenerative agriculture is not just about growing crops—it's about sowing the seeds for a healthier future.

Connect with Sander van Stee 


Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 


Metabolic Health Quiz: quiz
