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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Have you ever stood at the edge of life, teetering between the will to live and the temptation to end it all?

Kevin Hines faced this chilling reality when he leapt from the Golden Gate Bridge, only to embrace life fiercely during his fall.

In this astonishing conversation with Kevin, he describes the raw emotions and struggles with bipolar depression that brought him to the brink of death, the miraculous series of "coincidences" that saved him, and the extraordinary new life he has discovered on "the other side."

Through his own battles with nutrition and gut health, Kevin connects "mind" with "body" as he explains how our physical health affects our mental state, and vice versa.

Kevin says we each have a tale to tell, a personal narrative that can shake the world. His message is clear: life's value is immeasurable, and hope is a lifeline we can extend to one another, one story, one moment, one outreach at a time. 

Connect with Kevin Hines


Social Media: @KevinHines

Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 

Instagram: @iFixHearts


Metabolic Health Quiz: quiz
