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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

He survived a massive heart attack at 63 and went on to win four world wrestling titles in his late 60s by embracing a metabolic health approach through diet, exercise, reduced medication, and mindfulness.

"I believe we can reduce the whole cardiac industry if we can focus more on metabolic health, but there's not a lot of money in salads." - Jeff Davis

Jeff Davis, 63, survived a massive "widowmaker" heart attack thanks to a nearby medical facility.

 Determined to regain his health, he embarked on a transformative journey:

  1. Overhauling his diet
  2. Focusing on exercise
  3. Reducing medication reliance
  4. Embracing mindfulness

Jeff adopted a low-carb, high-fat diet rich in fresh produce and healthy proteins, cutting out sugar and processed foods. He gradually incorporated exercise, starting with short walks and progressing to intense training sessions.

Under his doctor's guidance, Jeff minimized his prescription drugs as his lifestyle habits improved. He also discovered the importance of prayer and meditation for mental resilience.

Remarkably, two years after his heart attack, Jeff returned to wrestling. At 65, he began competing and went on to win four world championships in his late 60s.

Today, Jeff inspires others to prioritize their health through social media, podcasts, and his upcoming YouTube channel, "Jeff Davis GLA" (Great Life Adventure).

He hopes to motivate a million people to embrace healthier lifestyles and increase longevity.

Jeff's story reminds us that it's never too late to transform our health and live our best lives.

By focusing on metabolic health, staying active, and cultivating a positive mindset, we can all work towards a brighter future.

Connect with Jeff Davis

LinkedIn:   /jeffdavis167  

X :   /jeff88kg  

YouTube:    /@jeffdavisgla  

Dr. Ovadia: 

Twitter: @iFixHearts 

Instagram: @iFixHearts


Metabolic Health Quiz: quiz
