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Discover the groundbreaking insights on heart disease, cholesterol, and plaque from two surgeons who handle these issues firsthand in the operating room.

In this enlightening interview on the Carb Addiction Doc Podcast, Cardiac Surgeon Dr. Philip Ovadia and Dr. Rob Cywes delve deep into the true causes of heart disease and the misconceptions surrounding it.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Heart Disease and Plaque: Understand the intricate relationship between heart disease, cholesterol, and plaque from the experts who see it up close.
  • Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Learn why treating inflammation rather than focusing solely on lipids can be a more effective approach to heart health.
  • The Truth About Statins: Uncover the myths about statins and their role in managing inflammation and heart disease.
  • Role of Insulin Resistance: Discover how insulin resistance contributes to inflammation and how a low-carb, healthy fat diet can restore insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation.
  • Diet Over Medication: Explore why dietary changes can achieve results that medications cannot, offering a new paradigm for managing heart health.