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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

Achieving true health and fitness is about developing self-awareness and making sustainable lifestyle changes, not just following diets or exercise programs. Health coach Bronson Dant shares his insights on achieving true health and fitness.

Dant emphasizes that sustainable change comes from developing self-awareness and addressing underlying emotional triggers, not just following diets or exercise programs. He introduces his new book, "Body Confident," which offers a framework for personal growth and physical freedom.

Dant discusses the importance of understanding one's "why" and filtering information against personal context. He also shares success stories, including his mother's fitness journey starting at age 60.

The conversation delves into the interconnected nature of physical and mental health, highlighting how improvements in one area can positively impact others.

## NOTABLE QUOTE ## "Body confidence is the freedom to engage in life because you trust your body to perform and protect you.”

Learn why diets and exercise programs alone aren't enough for lasting health. Dant explains how developing self-awareness and addressing emotional triggers are key to success.

Learn about his new book, "Body Confident," which offers a framework for personal growth and physical freedom.

Key topics covered:

  • The importance of understanding your "why" in health journeys
  • How to filter health information against your personal context
  • Success stories, including Dant's mother's fitness journey starting at age 60
  • The interconnected nature of physical and mental health

Dant emphasizes that body confidence is about trusting your body to perform and protect you, not just about appearance. He shares practical tips for maintaining balance in different life seasons and avoiding unnecessary stress.

Connect with Bronson Dant:

Book - Body Confident:




Connect with Dr. Ovadia: 

X: @iFixHearts 

Instagram: @iFixHearts


Metabolic Health Quiz: quiz
