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Stay Off My Operating Table® Podcast with Dr. Philip Ovadia

The discontinuation of Levemir insulin threatens the health and well-being of over a million diabetes patients, particularly pregnant women, and urgent action is needed to keep this vital medication available. The impending discontinuation of Levemir insulin by Novo Nordisk has sparked a crisis for over a million diabetes patients in the US alone.

This episode of Stay Off My Operating Table podcast features Alison Smart, a passionate advocate fighting to keep this essential medication on the market. Levemir, a short-acting basal insulin, is crucial for many patients, especially pregnant women and those requiring precise blood sugar control.

Smart explains the unique properties of Levemir and why alternatives are not suitable for all patients. She discusses her journey into advocacy, including meetings with senators and organizing a grassroots movement.

The episode highlights the broader issues of pharmaceutical company practices and the need for more insulin options.

Key points include:

  1. Levemir's importance for precise diabetes management
  2. The impact on pregnant women and gestational diabetes
  3. The need for congressional action to prevent discontinuation
  4. The potential global implications of Levemir's removal from the US market
  5. Ways for listeners to get involved in advocacy efforts 

Listeners are encouraged to contact their representatives and support the Alliance to Protect Insulin Choice. 

Learn More:

Alliance to Protect Insulin Choice:

Connect with Dr. Ovadia: 

X: @iFixHearts 

Instagram: @iFixHearts


Metabolic Health Quiz: quiz
