Building your metabolic health doesn’t have to be complicated: eat real food, resistance train, and get seven to eight hours of sleep per night.
But if you’re dealing with physical injuries, disabilities, or mental health conditions, juggling all these at once can feel downright impossible.
I’m here to tell you that anyone can improve their metabolic health — yes, that includes you.
You just need a willingness to establish new routines, plus the habits and tips outlined below.
How anyone can heal their metabolic health
Injuries, allergies, disabilities, and autoimmune conditions can make it more difficult to establish a ‘healthier’ routine. That’s not to say it’s impossible, however — I’ve worked with hundreds of patients who have transformed their lives regardless of preexisting health conditions.
Here’s everything you should know to get started down the right path.
Avoid processed foods
By processed food, I mean anything significantly alternate from its whole, real form. Chicken nuggets, for example, are very different from whole rotisseries. Chips, donuts, and candy bars look almost nothing like the foods they were derived from.
The good news is that whole, real food can be eaten by everyone — even those struggling with stringent food restrictions.
For example:
- If you’re dealing with allergies like alpha-gal syndrome, you should still be able to eat poultry products (think chicken and eggs). Be careful of plant-based alternatives to butter, milk, or red meat. Instead, substitute with olive oil, coconut milk, and non-mammal protein like turkey and seafood.
- If you struggle with certain tastes or textures, try slowly finding healthy replacements for less healthy alternatives. This could be cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes, or grilled chicken fingers instead of chicken nuggets. Embrace trial and error until you find what works for you.
- If you struggle with IBS, Crohn’s disease, or similar GI issues, you may want to consider a ketovore diet. Studies show patients following a keto-carnivore diet show dramatic improvements and reduce their medications. If you can’t digest fiber (such as if you’re missing your gallbladder), you might want to consider the carnivore diet.
- If you’re living with dysphagia, you may need liquified or thickened foods. I highly recommend researching available brands and reading ingredients labels to check for unhealthy additives (seed oils, sugar, food dye, and more). If you or someone you love can help you cook from home, you can still eat soft foods that don’t remind you of baby food.
I also recommend contacting a nutritionist to strategize a whole, real diet plan for your specific needs (vegan, vegetarian, etc). Again, the goal isn’t to switch everything in your diet at once, but to gradually adjust to what you can handle at this point.
Speaking of adjustments:
Cut sugar
Contrary to popular belief, the human body doesn’t ‘need’ sugar to function. You have the innate ability to convert food into energy, which means low-sugar options like steak, salad, and eggs provide all the energy you need to thrive.
I recommend starting with processed sugar first, including packaged sweets and other snacks. Then, back off unnecessary sweeteners like honey in your tea. Some people cut out fruit as well, although keep in mind low-glycemic fruit does exist.
There are also fake sugars available as replacements, including sucralose, aspartame, saccharin, and others. But these aren’t necessarily better than sugar, and if you have phenylketonuria or bowel disease, it may be best to hold off altogether. Your safest alternative might be stevia extract (although make sure you check for unnecessary additives).
The actual amount of sugar you cut is entirely up to you. If you’re struggling with a blood sugar disorder such as diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, or hypo/hyperglycemia, you might want to be more strict about your intake. Some people do better with a cold turkey approach, while others prefer a more gradual reduction.
And if you want motivation to maintain this lifestyle shift, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) may be a wise investment.
Consider intermittent fasting
Fasting is a simple, free method of restoring metabolic health. It’s also incredibly accessible and easy to get started, regardless of how long you want to fast.
I cover the ins and outs of fasting in a dedicated guide. However, here’s a simple ‘quick start guide’ you can start using today:
- Start with a 12-hour window for eating followed by 12 hours of fasting.
- Don’t drink your energy. Sodas and sweetened beverages should be (quite literally) off the table.
- Adjust your schedule to what you need. If you can only wait four to five hours between meals, or if you find 12 hours isn’t enough time for you, adjust the timeline to accommodate.
Remember that whole, real food will help you feel satiated, which ensures you’ll feel full between fasting windows. You might find yourself naturally skipping dinner and only eating food when you know your body needs fuel.
Of course, you’ll need to consult with a trained physician if you’ve suffered (or currently suffer) from an eating disorder. You should also avoid fasting if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, and need a doctor consultation if you’re insulin-dependent or suffer from seizures.
But again, I want to encourage you that fasting is likely possible for you. I’ve seen type 1 diabetes, epileptics, and others in high-risk categories completely transform their lives with time-restricted eating.
Add more intense movement
I’m not asking you to jump on the treadmill or deadlift weights at the gym. But I do want you to exert yourself every day, whether that’s overhead arm raises or a 10-minute walk.
Some notes:
- Physical and occupational therapists will be essential if you’ve been significantly injured. Physical therapists help with specific exercises during recovery, while occupational therapists help with day-to-day living activities. You’ll need both as you rebuild your strength.
- If you’re overweight, underweight, or severely out of shape, start with small, incremental activities and work up to longer stretches. There’s nothing wrong with brisk-paced walking — it’s one of the easiest ways to restore your metabolic health. If you find yourself struggling to get motivation, try listening to a podcast or exercising while watching TV. I wrote a guide to exercising if you’re short on time, which might be helpful in the earliest stages.
- Those with chronic diseases and autoimmune conditions often suffer from reactive joint pain. If that sounds like you, consider walking in the pool or low-impact yoga. Studies show low-impact exercise may actually help to alleviate feelings of chronic pain.
- If you’re currently struggling with a mental health condition, exercising at home may be less stressful in the beginning. YouTube videos offer a few basic exercises, although you could also try yoga and other bodyweight movements. Keep in mind studies show a strong link between exercise and better mental health, so the longer and more frequently you move, the better it will be for your mental health.
If you’re on medications that affect your ability to exercise, be sure to ask your doctor about special accommodations. Heart conditions and recent surgeries may also require modifications, so it’s best to chat with a physician before trying a drastic new routine.
Find a team that ‘gets’ it
I’m not just talking about your PCP. I mean finding a group of people who can help you persevere and problem solve, which will boost your chances of sticking to your goals.
If that doesn’t describe your existing doctor, fire them and find a better fit. You might also consider partnering with a metabolic health coach, a mental health expert, a physical/occupational therapist, and/or a specialist who understands your unique needs.
Just don’t overlook one of the most important pieces of the puzzle: a health-focused community (online or otherwise). This is an invaluable resource where you can ask and answer questions, connect with people who have similar stories, and ultimately learn more about the principles of metabolic health.
Building your metabolic health despite obstacles
These are all the basics you need to get started on your journey — although it’s by no means the end of the road. Your path will look different depending on your unique health concerns. I guarantee you’ll feel different after a solid year of progress.
If you’re looking for more resources to help you get started, one of these guides might point you in the right direction:
- Metabolic health, mental health, and addiction
- How to improve your metabolic health in 12 weeks or less
- The best meat to eat for your metabolic health
And if you don’t know where you’re at with your metabolic health, take my free metabolic syndrome quiz for personalized feedback and suggestions.