Metabolic illness in the US is the norm rather than the exception. Case in point: the most frequently cited statistic about metabolic disease became obsolete in just three years. According to research from 2022, only 6.8% of Americans can be considered cardiometabolically healthy, which is down from 12.2% in 2019. This is almost double what Read More

Cutting through the clutter and noise takes some time, but from an applied research and scientific standpoint, you should know that fasting can have enormous benefits on your metabolic health.

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The signs of a healthy heart aren’t always visible, but certain factors can be measured to assess your current wellness. In this course, I share with you the lab work you should order to check your metabolic health.

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You’re already well-aware of heart disease and the disastrous effects it can have on your health. But, if the rampant prevalence of it is anything to go by, you may not know where to begin with disease prevention or how to measure your heart health in the first place. Please don’t feel singled out: 68% of Read More

I’m sure by now you’ve heard the buzz around fasting — almost one in four Americans have tried it for dietary purposes, and at least four in five have at least heard the term. In fact, intermittent fasting was the most Googled food topic worldwide in 2019 and remains one of the biggest search queries Read More

Do you remember the famous Lays’ potato chip commercial: ‘I bet you can’t eat just one’? While it sounds like a harmless catchphrase on the surface, there’s some diabolical truth to this claim. Lays hired thousands of food scientists over the years to create the world’s most perfect product — a junk food so addictive Read More

We’ve all been victims to the food pyramid’s shoddy science — and its misinformation about ‘healthy’ food has trickled down to our children as well. The effect of this is now very apparent. Childhood obesity rates have skyrocketed, and are getting worse. Nearly 20% of children, or one in five, are within the 95th percentile Read More

Healthcare costs are out of control — but inflation isn’t the only culprit. A look at the aging American population and increased chronic disease makes it clear that deteriorating metabolic health is chipping away at our time, money, and lifespans. Today, 86% of US medical expenses are spent on chronic illness alone. This dire situation Read More

Most Americans don’t realize how much metabolic health impacts their hearts. In fact, we’ve reached a point where feeling unwell is just a normal part of daily life, and not a warning sign of things to come. There are countless studies connecting metabolic health and heart disease. Thankfully, it’s mostly good news — many diseases Read More

We’ve all had the experience of jogging on the treadmill for an hour only to realize we’ve burned a scant 100 calories. We only ‘earned’ a single cookie or a bag of chips after all that effort, and usually throw up our hands in defeat on the way out the door. ‘Calories in, calories out’ Read More

Medications are often viewed as the one and only way to treat chronic medical conditions. This is one of the most common medical myths I hear. Pills, tablets, and non-habitual syrups are not cures — while they have their place, for many people they are simply surface-level comforts that dull symptoms temporarily. And relying on Read More

Americans are more metabolically unhealthy now than at any other point in history. Nearly nine in ten have at least one metabolic factor out of balance — encouraging the development of strokes, heart attacks, and life-changing diseases. Worse still, most don’t even know it. The good news is, measuring your metabolic health is extremely straightforward. Read More

A type 2 diabetes diagnosis can feel like a death sentence. There are a host of complications to consider — including heart disease, stroke, blindness, and amputation — and dramatic lifestyle changes that affect the rest of your natural life. If your diagnosis was recent, there are likely dozens of thoughts running through your head. Read More

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US — regardless of age, gender, or demographic.  Cardiovascular disease claims a life every 34 seconds.  That’s 2,500+ parents, children, and siblings losing their lives every single day. I’m not saying this to scare you. You’ve already been lectured up and down about exercising more Read More

We’ve all thought about ‘getting healthier’ at some point in our lives. But as we get lost in a sea of green smoothies and viral wellness trends, we find ourselves neglecting a critical component of wellness: metabolic health. Today, 71% of Americans say they are in excellent health. However, just 12% of the population is Read More

They say seeing is believing — but that isn’t always true. And when it comes to the food we eat and the diets we follow, blind trust can be a dangerous thing. The food pyramid is a great example of this. Not only are 88% of Americans metabolically unhealthy, but their recommended diet is failing Read More

Workplace stress has reached an unfathomable degree of severity. More than half of the world’s workforce is reporting the highest level of stress in history — nearly 1.5 billion people. And with our current state of economic affairs, that number is only expected to grow. This is a bad omen for all of us. As Read More

Ignoring your heart health isn’t just reckless — it may even kill you. In the United States, there is a one in four chance that your death will be caused by an unhealthy heart. Unless you catch the signs and symptoms well in advance, you may be at risk for heart attacks, strokes, and other Read More

America’s relationship with work is both unhealthy and unsustainable. We work long hours, often at sedentary jobs, and report some of the highest levels of job stress in the world. And although we spend more on healthcare than any other nation, our employees are far sicker than those in other high-income nations. It’s clear that Read More

Everyone has an opinion about how to live a longer and healthier life. Some swear by specific diets or supplements, while others point to genetics or even sheer luck. From a scientific perspective, there is one important factor that remains ever present in the longevity equation: cardiovascular training. There’s simply no downside to regular cardiovascular Read More

I don’t have to tell you that life is getting more expensive – you’re likely already seeing it in your grocery bills. Between rocketing inflation and a possible recession, people are reporting the highest level of stress recorded in the past 30 years. And with so much stress and so little reprieve, it’s no wonder Read More

You’ve probably heard that you can’t exercise your way out of an unhealthy diet. That may be true, but when it comes to boosting your metabolic health, you need both diet and exercise to keep your heart strong. You can improve your heart health simply by changing your exercise habits. If you’re willing to add Read More

Metabolic health does not have to be an overwhelming or confusing concept. I believe that the simpler metabolic health can be explained, the greater chance we have of understanding it and making changes that support and optimize our health. There are several big principles I want you to understand, specifically regarding your metabolic health, wellness, Read More

Americans are facing a mental health crisis. Nearly one in five people suffers from a diagnosable issue every year, including depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Mental illnesses do more than just affect the brain. They also have the capacity to lead to addiction, while certain substances or behaviors instigate further mental health concerns. This holds Read More

So you’re interested in metabolic health and can see the benefits of making a change, but you’re not necessarily sure where to begin your journey. You’re certainly not alone. Millions of Americans feel the same way you do, with many struggling to find underlying reasons for their unexplained weight gain, cardiovascular diagnoses, or recent hospitalization. Read More

Many of us have sacrificed our health in the name of work. Thousands of Americans give up extra sleep for their jobs, while others resign themselves to terrible diets due to a lack of time to shop or cook. Sometimes time crunches happen, stress crops up, and sacrifices must be made. But this can’t go Read More

If you find the idea of “getting healthy” or “getting in shape” daunting, you’re not the only one. It’s one of the most frequently-voiced concerns that people have: the idea that they will have to spend all day in the gym, cut out all enjoyable foods, and spend every day feeling like they’re missing out Read More