America’s relationship with work is both unhealthy and unsustainable. We work long hours, often at sedentary jobs, and report some of the highest levels of job stress in the world. And although we spend more on healthcare than any other nation, our employees are far sicker than those in other high-income nations. It’s clear that Read More

Everyone has an opinion about how to live a longer and healthier life. Some swear by specific diets or supplements, while others point to genetics or even sheer luck. From a scientific perspective, there is one important factor that remains ever present in the longevity equation: cardiovascular training. There’s simply no downside to regular cardiovascular Read More

I don’t have to tell you that life is getting more expensive – you’re likely already seeing it in your grocery bills. Between rocketing inflation and a possible recession, people are reporting the highest level of stress recorded in the past 30 years. And with so much stress and so little reprieve, it’s no wonder Read More

You’ve probably heard that you can’t exercise your way out of an unhealthy diet. That may be true, but when it comes to boosting your metabolic health, you need both diet and exercise to keep your heart strong. You can improve your heart health simply by changing your exercise habits. If you’re willing to add Read More

Metabolic health does not have to be an overwhelming or confusing concept. I believe that the simpler metabolic health can be explained, the greater chance we have of understanding it and making changes that support and optimize our health. There are several big principles I want you to understand, specifically regarding your metabolic health, wellness, Read More

Americans are facing a mental health crisis. Nearly one in five people suffers from a diagnosable issue every year, including depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Mental illnesses do more than just affect the brain. They also have the capacity to lead to addiction, while certain substances or behaviors instigate further mental health concerns. This holds Read More

So you’re interested in metabolic health and can see the benefits of making a change, but you’re not necessarily sure where to begin your journey. You’re certainly not alone. Millions of Americans feel the same way you do, with many struggling to find underlying reasons for their unexplained weight gain, cardiovascular diagnoses, or recent hospitalization. Read More

Many of us have sacrificed our health in the name of work. Thousands of Americans give up extra sleep for their jobs, while others resign themselves to terrible diets due to a lack of time to shop or cook. Sometimes time crunches happen, stress crops up, and sacrifices must be made. But this can’t go Read More

If you find the idea of “getting healthy” or “getting in shape” daunting, you’re not the only one. It’s one of the most frequently-voiced concerns that people have: the idea that they will have to spend all day in the gym, cut out all enjoyable foods, and spend every day feeling like they’re missing out Read More

If you were to conduct a random poll of the general public, most people wouldn’t be able to tell you what metabolic health is. The reason why is simple: the health advice Americans receive is wrong, and our healthcare system is built on the treatment of existing conditions rather than maintaining health to prevent illness. Read More

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, has become one of the most common diagnoses in the United States. Nearly one in two adults struggle with high blood pressure, and this number only continues to rise. To make matters worse, hypertension is an invisible illness. About 20% of Americans are unaware they suffer from it, although 1,000 Read More

You probably already know that work is a major contributor to stress levels. If you’re like 83% of US workers, you’re all-too familiar with workplace stress and its impact on daily life. Workplace stress is increasingly common. Today, one in four people find their jobs to be the number one stressor impacting their health. Even Read More

The phrase ‘cardiovascular health’ gets thrown around every single day. We see it in news headlines, on the TV, and even plastered on the sides of buses and cabs. Seeing something so often can reduce the impact on us when we see it, but cardiovascular health isn’t something to ignore. Even today, in 2022, poor Read More

Remarkably, it’s possible for someone to go their entire life without ever hearing the phrase “metabolic health.” So first of all, if you’ve heard of it but need some help understanding and improving it, you’re still in a much better position than a lot of other people. Let’s start with a definition, and you can Read More

Many of us have been told that we need to get more exercise. While this is true, choosing movement that enhances our cardiovascular health is important. Failing to set aside time for movement could have serious implications on heart health: 35% of coronary heart mortalities are associated with physical inactivity. Focusing on exercise is one Read More

Keto has become one of the most popular – if not misunderstood – concepts in modern health. First described in the 1900s as a therapeutic diet for children suffering from epileptic seizures, keto is now used to eliminate sugar and carbohydrates from the standard American diet, helping with such things as weight loss and diabetes Read More

Did you know it’s possible to be slim and active, but still be unhealthy – and at risk for heart disease? Only 12.2% of American adults are considered metabolically healthy. You could be eating plenty of heart-healthy meals and working out more than an hour each day, yet still be metabolically unhealthy. That’s because although Read More

Abnormally high blood pressure is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, increasing mortality risks, instigating chronic illnesses, and reducing quality of life. If you’re unsure about the meaning behind your blood pressure measurements, you’re certainly not alone: an estimated 700 million people are unaware of their hypertension diagnosis, despite the fact that, left Read More

Whether you are concerned for a family member, a close friend, an adult child, or a spouse, it’s never easy to bring up health issues in conversation. This can be even more complicated for matters of heart health. Health disease is the leading cause of death for adult men and women in the United States. Read More

If you’re reading this and you’re overweight, I want you to answer the following. Did you gain all that weight quickly? Did you have to do something drastic to gain it, like eat 10,000 calories a day? I’m going to take a chance here and say the answer to both questions is “no.” You gained Read More

It’s no secret that exercise can help to protect you from heart disease and other chronic illnesses. Protecting yourself from heart disease is one of the most important things you can do: it still claims a person every 36 seconds and accounts for 1 in every 4 deaths. Given the threat heart disease continues to Read More

The old saying is true: you are what you eat. Especially when it comes to metabolic health. But these days it’s easier than ever to make the wrong food choices. A combination of bad information and an endless supply of processed junk foods means that it requires deliberate effort to eat well. And on top Read More

Avoiding heart disease is a goal for a lot of people, and they take intentional steps that they think will reduce their risk. Steps like eating ‘heart-healthy’ cereals to reduce their cholesterol, avoiding fats, and trying to fit exercise into their schedule. While the chosen methods may not be the healthiest, exercise and a healthy Read More

Here’s some much-needed positive news: improving heart health does not have to be as complex or intimidating as many people believe. By taking simple steps each day, you can lower your risk of heart disease and chronic illness considerably. One of the easiest ways to do this is to set SMART goals. Unlike a typical Read More

It’s hard work being an employer, with no shortage of responsibilities. From day-to-day task management and payroll to overseeing workplace safety, there’s a lot on your shoulders. One such responsibility is to keep employees safe. This doesn’t only mean having working smoke detectors and ensuring there’s no asbestos in the roof. It also means helping Read More

“I don’t have time.” That’s a common remark for people in high-pressure jobs, particularly business owners and senior members of the organization. But as the common saying goes, if you can’t find time to be healthy, you’ll have to find time to be ill.  You wouldn’t be the first person to make the mistake of Read More

One of the most important factors in establishing or maintaining metabolic health is to eat in a healthy way.  On the one hand this is simple, because eating in a heart healthy way is straightforward. But in reality, there’s so much misinformation about nutrition that it can be difficult to filter out the noise and Read More

The climate of the last two years has been incredibly stressful for everyone, and it’s hard to think of anyone whose life hasn’t been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in some way. Most of the conversation has been on the impact of the virus itself: how many cases, how many deaths, government responses, and how Read More